Interrupts Lab Assignment


To learn how to create a single dynamic user defined interrupt service routine callback driver/library.

This lab will utilize:

  • Lookup table structures
  • Function pointers
  • Constexpr and static
  • Interrupts
    • LPC40xx MCU gpio supports rising and falling edge interrupts on certain pins on port 0 and 2
    • These port/pin interrupts are actually OR'd together and use a single CPU interrupt called GPIO_IRQ

Port Interrupts

You will configure GPIO interrupts.  This is supported for Port 0 and Port 2 and the following registers are relevant.


Part 0: Simple Interrupt

The first thing you want to do is get a single Port/Pin's interrupt to work.

void GpioInterruptCallback()
  // 4) For the callback, do anything such as printf or blink and LED here to test your ISR
  // 5) MUST! Clear the source of the GPIO interrupt

void main(void)
  // 1) Setup a GPIO on port 2 as an input
  // 2) Configure the GPIO registers to trigger an interrupt on P2.0 rising edge. 
  // 3) Register your callback for the GPIO_IRQn
  RegisterIsr(GPIO_IRQn, GpioInterruptCallback);
  while (1) 
    continue; // Empty loop just to test the interrupt

Code Block 1. Basic Interrupt Test

Part 1: Extend the LabGPIO driver

You are designing a library that will allow the programmer using your library to be able to "attach" a function callback to any and each pin on port 0 or port 2. 

  1. Add and implement ALL class methods.
  2. All methods must function work as expected by their comment description.
#pragma once 

// Gives you access to 
#include "L0_LowLevel/interrupts.hpp"

class LabGPIO
  enum class Edge
    kNone = 0,
  static constexpr size_t kPorts = 2;
  static constexpr size_t kPins = 32; 
  // This handler should place a function pointer within the lookup table for 
  // the GpioInterruptHandler() to find.
  // @param isr  - function to run when the interrupt event occurs.
  // @param edge - condition for the interrupt to occur on.
  void AttachInterruptHandler(IsrPointer isr, Edge edge);
  // Register GPIO_IRQn here
  static void EnableInterrupts();
  // Statically allocated a lookup table matrix here of function pointers 
  // to avoid dynamic allocation.
  // Upon AttachInterruptHandler(), you will store the user's function callback
  // in this matrix.
  // Upon the GPIO interrupt, you will use this matrix to find and invoke the
  // appropriate callback.
  // Initialize everything to nullptr.
  static IsrPointer pin_isr_map[kPorts][kPins] = { nullptr };
  // This function is invoked by NVIC via the GPIO peripheral asynchronously.
  // This ISR should do the following:
  //  1) Find the Port and Pin that caused the interrupt via the IO0IntStatF,
  //     IO0IntStatR, IO2IntStatF, and IO2IntStatR registers.
  //  2) Lookup and invoke the user's registered callback.
  //  - Be sure to clear the interrupt flag that caused this interrupt, or this 
  //    function will be called repetitively and lock your system.
  //  - NOTE that your code needs to be able to handle two GPIO interrupts 
  //    occurring at the same time.
  static void GpioInterruptHandler();

// ...

int main(void)
  // This is just an example, use which ever pins and ports you like 
  Gpio gpio(2, 3);

  return 0;

Code Block 2. GPIO Interrupt Driver Template Class




  • Should be able to specify a callback function for any port/pin for an exposed GPIO given a rising, falling, or both condition.
    • We may ask you to change which port and pin causes a particular callback to be executed in your code and then recompile and re-flash your board to and prove it works with any port 0 or port 2 pin.
  • You will need to use two external switches for this lab.

Note that printing 4 chars inside an ISR can take 1ms, and this is an eternity for the processor and should never be done, unless other than debug.

What to turn in:

  • Place all relevant source files within a .pdf file. 
  • Turn in the screenshots of terminal output. 
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