Design a code module
This article demonstrates how to design a new code module.
Header File
A header file:
- Shall have
once attribute (google it for the reason) - Shall NEVER have variables defined
//- Note: Remove all lines from your code that start with //-
//- Put this line as the very first line in your header module
#pragma once
//- #include all header files that THIS header needs
//- Do not include headers here that are not needed
//- For example, we do not need gpio.h file here, but maybe you can move this to switch_led.c
#include "gpio.h"
//- DO NOT put any variables here, like so:
static int do_not_do_this;
int definitely_do_not_do_this;
//- All functions without paramters should be marked as (void)
void switch_led_logic__initialize(void);
void switch_led_logic__run_once(void);
once is a replacement of
#ifndef YOUR_FILE_NAME__
#define YOUR_FILE_NAME__
void your_api(void);
Intent of #pragma
once and #ifndef
- When other code modules
your header file, you only want functions to be declared once - The name of
can be anything unique, but must not conflict with other files -
literally copies and pastes the contents of the file in the file wherever you have the#include
Source File
A source file:
- Shall have all variables defined as static; this will keep their visibility private to their file
//- Note: Remove all lines from your code that start with //-
//- Include the header file for which this code modules belongs to
#include "switch_led_logic.h"
//- Declare all variables as STATIC
static gpio_s my_led;
//- Define your public functions (part of this module's header file)
void switch_led_logic__initialize(void) {
my_led = gpio__construct_as_output(GPIO__PORT_2, 0);
void switch_led_logic__run_once(void) {
Unit Test file
A unit-test file:
- Shall
the headers that you want (those that should not be "mocked") - Shall
Mock headers to generate stubs (rather than the full implementation)
Useful stuff
Clang auto-formatter will format the source code for you. It will also sort the #includes, so it is recommended to put an empty line such that it sorts the #includes more elegantly. For example, you can separate the FreeRTOS includes, system includes, and other includes.
//- Note: Remove all lines from your code that start with //-
//- Include system includes first
#include <stdio.h>
//- FreeRTOS requires this header file inclusion before any of its soure code
//- This only applies to code included from FreeRTOS
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "task.h"
//- Clang will sort these
#include "abc.h"
#include "def.h"
Try the following
- Have two code modules, such as
include a header file that does not have#pragma once
and observe what happens when you compile