Class Structure


This is a foundation course on learning modern C++ language (C++ 11 and beyond).

This course covers object-oriented programming using modern C++. Because most automation, embedded applications, gaming, and many large data processing applications are written in C++, it is essential that software developers understand and master it. Hardware engineers are increasingly using C++ and OOP in system verification tasks, and as of the current decade, there has been a noticeable shift from C to C++ on microcontroller systems.

This course offers an excellent foundation in developing optimized modern C++ applications. The participants will learn to write faster and modular code, and the debugging techniques, for real-world applications. There will be assignments and exercises to accompany the lectures.

Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to:

  • Modern C++ (post C++11)
  • Apply object oriented concepts to software development problems using modern C++
  • Understand and use the basic programming constructs of C++
  • Manipulate various C++ data types, such as arrays, strings, and pointers
  • Write C++ code using principles of object-oriented programming
  • Understand design patterns in C++ using singleton pattern
  • Manage memory appropriately, including proper allocation/deallocation procedures using unique and smart pointers
  • Best practices (dos and don'ts)
  • Utilize best practices from C++ GSL or Google Abseil libraries

1. Introduction

  • Setup development environment
  • Review class structure
  • Operating System Fundamentals: Linux, Mac, POSIX, RTOS
  • Modern approach to "manpages"
  • SSH and password-less login
  • System Monitoring: topdf
  • Homework: Operating Systems and POSIX

2. Basic Syntax & Functions

  • Basics
    • Types, strings
    • Control structures
  • Declare and define functions
    • Call by value, reference, pointer
    • Overloading
    • Default parameters

3. Object Oriented Basics

  • Classes and objects
  • Constructors and destructors
  • Inheritance
  • Rule of 3
  • Introduction to unique_ptr

4. Operators & Templates

5. Midterm

  • Review Questions
  • Feedback
  • Streams
  • Chrono
  • Exam

6. Object Oriented Advanced

  • OO Inheritance
  • Abstract classes
  • Virtual and pure virtual functions
  • Virtual destructors
  • Polymorphism

7. Smart Pointers

  • Unique pointer
  • Shared pointer
  • Weak pointer

8. More Advanced Topics

  • Lambdas
    • How it can be used
  • Concurrency
    • Threads
    • Mutexes
    • Condition Variables
  • Deadlock Empire

9. Powerful Libraries

  • Libraries
    • Boost
    • Guideline support library (GSL)
    • Abseil
  • Design patterns
    • Singleton

10. Final Examination

  • Review Questions
  • Collect Feedback
  • Exam


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