Python Number Converter

Generally speaking, practiced skill cannot be easily forgotten. It is far better to go through the process and practice converting a number, rather than to memorize the process.

Before we get started, have a look at the Tools Page to get started with a Python Interpreter we could use for this exercise.

Number to Printable Hex

def nibble_to_ascii(nibble: int) -> str:
  This is a comment
  Input: Nibble (4-bits)
  Output: Single character HEX as a string
  Example: Input = 10, Output = 'A'
  Example: Input = 8,  Output = '8'
  table = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F']
  return table[nibble]

def to_hex(number: int) -> str:
    This is a comment
    Input: Number (integer)
    Output: String
    Example: Input = 43605, Output = "0xAA55"
    answer = ""
    # Forever loop
    while True:
        # Integer divide using the // operator
        quotient = number // 16
        # Get the remainder using the % operator
        remainder = number % 16
        # Accumulate result
        answer = nibble_to_ascii(remainder) + answer

        # Set the number we need to use for next time
        number = quotient
        # We break the "loop" when division turns to zero
        if (quotient == 0):
    return "0x" + answer



Write a function to_binary() that takes a number, and returns the string equivalent version of the number in binary. You can borrow the template above of to_hex() function and most of the logic might be similar except that we would be dividing number by 2 rather than 16.


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