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Diagram link AND OR   XOR

Revision #1
Created 9 months ago by Preet Kang
Updated 9 months ago by Preet Kang

How OS launches a program

Revision #1
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Project Introduction and Guidelines

Shopping List Four SJtwo Development Kits + 4 CAN Transceivers Bridge and Sensors Accessories ...

Revision #17
Created 5 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

x86 Dissassembly

Purpose of this assignment is to reverse engineer x86 assembly language of C code. #include <...

Revision #2
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

LAB: Geo Controller

In this lab, we will add the Geological Controller to your RC car. Please review this article to ...

Revision #12
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

LAB: CAN bus with DBC

Objective of this lab is to: Define CAN message types in a DBC file Auto-generate code base...

Revision #16
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by isa_team

Navigating a Processor's Reference Manual

  Overview Even though our project mostly utilizes pre-developed drivers for ADC, GPIO, CAN, e...

Revision #1
Created 1 year ago by isa_team
Updated 1 year ago by isa_team

SJSU - CmpE243 -Industrial ...
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Unit-Test Basics and Mocks

Overview Here is a mental model for how to think about unit tests. We are focusing on understand...

Revision #3
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by isa_team

SJSU - CmpE243 -Industrial ...
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In the past, we needed to setup special tools on a local computer (i.e.: your laptop) to test sof...

Revision #9
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Lab: Queue

Part 1 Write the unit-tests first, and then the implementation for the following header file: #...

Revision #5
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Number Systems

Number Types The number system holds significance in terms of writing and expressing code to a c...

Revision #8
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

System Call

Revision #1
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Getting Started with Preet's Classes

Advise from prior students: I have 8 years experience in the industry and this class is very ...

Revision #3
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

SJSU - Embedded Drivers & RTOS
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What is I2C I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is pronounced "eye-squared see". It is also known as ...

Revision #30
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Books and Online Resources

Really awesome book from Robert Plantz: Introduction to Computer Organization Books: Struct...

Revision #5
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Lab: ADC + PWM

Objective Improve an ADC driver, and use an existing PWM driver to design and implement an embed...

Revision #30
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang


This is definitely not an exhaustive tutorial about learning Git... Google would be better to rev...

Revision #2
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

How program is compiled in C

Assuming that there are two files to be compiled in C, the overall flow to yield an executable is...

Revision #1
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Storage Units

I fear that most of the technical articles on the Internet misinterpret some of the common storag...

Revision #3
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Python Number Converter

Generally speaking, practiced skill cannot be easily forgotten. It is far better to go through th...

Revision #5
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

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