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Git Basics
What is Gitlab? Gitlab provides services that allow hosting your project on a remote repository ...
LAB: Git
This is definitely not an exhaustive tutorial about learning Git... Google would be better to rev...
CmpE243 - What is it about?
CmpE243 is a fast-paced course, with lots to learn that will push your technical and communi...
SPI (Serial & Peripheral Interface)
What is SPI SPI is a high-speed, full-duplex bus that uses a minimum of 3 wires to exchange data...
ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
Objective To learn about the use of ADCs, their different types, their related parameters, and h...
Standart Output
This article provides useful information about how the standard output is handled on the SJ2 plat...
Moved to here
Pin Selection and Pin Mode
Objective Know how to select a specific functionality of a given LPC40xx pin. Know how to select...
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
Objective To learn about the use of PWM signals, their related parameters, and how to set up an ...
In this assignment, we will build up a driver to write the EEPROM on the NXP processor. EEPROM...
Struct Address
Objective Learn basics of data structures Learn how memory may be padded within data structure...
RTOS Trace
Overview FreeRTOS trace is a third party library developed by Percepio; please check them out he...
Hardware Timer
A hardware timer is a time tracking peripheral that runs independent of the foreground CPU instru...
Unit Testing code that touches the HW registers
This article guides you on how to unit-test code that reads or writes hardware registers of you...
Use single periodic callback if possible
The problem with multiple callbacks is that the higher rate can interrupt a lower rate callback. ...
Code Modularity
Code should be broken apart into smaller pieces which has advantages: Small code modules are ea...
Switch / Case Statements
Normally switch / case statements are encouraged. Here is an article that is sort of against it.
Lookup Tables
Objective To discuss lookup tables and how to use them to sacrifice storage space to increase co...
Binary Semaphores
Semaphores are used to signal/synchronize tasks as well as protect resources. A binary semapho...
Structured Bit-fields Register Mapping
Please Review the Following Structures in C: ...