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Learning Objectives

  CLO Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:1. Understand digita...

Revision #6
Created 1 year ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

SJSU - CmpE120 - Computer O...
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Critical Section

Objective To go over Critical Sections in an application as well as other kernel API calls that...

Revision #3
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang


Revision #1
Created 6 years ago by Khalil Estell
Updated 1 year ago by Khalil Estell

FreeRTOS Producer Consumer Tasks

Objective Learn how Tasks and Queues work Assess how task priorities affect the RTOS Queue coo...

Revision #25
Created 6 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Huy Nguyen

C vs. C++

  Typically, C design pattern to create a re-usable module is performed like so: typedef struc...

Revision #1
Created 6 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang


Objective To learn how to communicate between two devices using UART. Reinforce interrupts by...

Revision #26
Created 4 years ago by sree harsha
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Lab: I2C Slave

Overall Objective We will setup one SJ2 board as a Master board, and another as a Slave board, a...

Revision #21
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by vidushi

Volatile Variable

  // volatile int flag; // global memory is part of "BSS" section, guaranteed to be zero (u...

Revision #3
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Random Topics

Useful topics to learn about: Avoid dynamic memory after RTOS starts Avoiding task deletions ...

Revision #3
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

I2C communication on the same board

An alternative to test the I2C Leader-member (master-slave) communication on the same board is to...

Revision #3
Created 3 years ago by sree harsha
Updated 1 year ago by sree harsha

FreeRTOS & Tasks

Introduction to FreeRTOS Objective To introduce what, why, when, and how to use Real Time Opera...

Revision #11
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 1 year ago by vidushi


Objective Manipulate microcontroller's registers in order to access and control physical pins ...

Revision #28
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by vidushi

Lab: SPI Flash Interface

The objective is to learn how to create a thread-safe driver for Synchronous Serial Port and to ...

Revision #25
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

Lab: FreeRTOS Tasks

Objective Load firmware onto the SJ board Observe the RTOS round-robin scheduler in effect Pr...

Revision #11
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 year ago by Preet Kang

LED Matrix Driver

Introduction An LED matrix is different from most panel displays. The LEDs are standard tri-co...

Revision #6
Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

SJ2 Board

SJ2 board has lots of in-built sensors and a 128*64 OLED. It has 96kb of RAM and 120MHZ CPU.   ...

Revision #23
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 years ago by Huy Nguyen

Lab Assignment: Watchdogs

Objective Learn File I/O API to read and write data to the SD card This requires a micro SD c...

Revision #23
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 2 years ago by Huy Nguyen

Song list code module

Collect MP3 song list from the SD card Reference Articles Design a code module Code Modularit...

Revision #6
Created 4 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 years ago by Preet Kang


Objective To be able to General Purpose Input Output (GPIO), to generate digital output signals,...

Revision #23
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 3 years ago by vidushi

LPC40xx MCU Memory Map

What is a Memory Map A memory map is a layout of how the memory maps to some set of information....

Revision #13
Created 6 years ago by Admin
Updated 3 years ago by vidushi

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