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Multitasking: Hands-on

In this assignment, we will experiment with RTOS tasks and see the multitasking in action. You ma...

Revision #5
Created 4 days ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 day ago by Preet Kang

Stack Memory

I am sure a lot of you have used right? Stack overflows is one of the hardest p...

Revision #2
Created 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 day ago by Preet Kang

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Thread Stack

Revision #1
Created 1 day ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 day ago by Preet Kang

APIs to avoid

This article lists FreeRTOS APIs that are discouraged from being used. [warning: this article is...

Revision #2
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 4 days ago by Preet Kang

Setup Development Environment

Setup Environment Install docker for your machine If you have linux, install docker for linux...

Revision #3
Created 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang
Updated 4 days ago by Preet Kang


This article provides examples of using RTOS Queues. Why RTOS Queues There are standard queues,...

Revision #23
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang

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This article provides examples of various different Semaphores. Binary Semaphore A binary semap...

Revision #2
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang

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The basics of why we need multiple tasks is covered at this article and is a recommended read: ...

Revision #2
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang

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vTaskDelay() is a naive function, but it is important to understand how it really works. The fu...

Revision #7
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by vidushi

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Handle multiple Queues

Revision #4
Created 3 years ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by vidushi

C++ Development Environment (Docker)

Revision #2
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 2 weeks ago by Preet Kang

Function Pointers & Lambdas

Function pointers are essential in C and C++ programming. Function Pointers in C #include <s...

Revision #4
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

Smart Pointers

C++ 11 standard solved a major safety problem with the language: Managing memory Creating memor...

Revision #9
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

Threading Library

Basics What is multithreading? Why multithreading? Overview of C+ thread library Let us sta...

Revision #1
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

Class Structure

Description This is a foundation course on learning modern C++ language (C++ 11 and beyond). Th...

Revision #11
Created 3 months ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

C++ Programming
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Object Oriented Advanced

Basics Syntax of Inheritance #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Base class...

Revision #11
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

C++ Development Environment (Legacy)

There is a more modern version of the C++ development environment. See this article. This artic...

Revision #9
Created 3 months ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang


Templates and the need for header only code In one of our previous lessons, we built our own "ve...

Revision #5
Created 2 months ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

STL Library

Before you read about the STL library, it is important to understand the Templates, so ensure tha...

Revision #21
Created 2 months ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

Algorithms Library

Algorithms library Other Content Streams

Revision #1
Created 1 month ago by Preet Kang
Updated 1 month ago by Preet Kang

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